
Monday, October 09, 2006

What is wrong with our kids??

As if the recent hostage taking/kidnapping/molestation/shootings/murders in the past 10 days is not enough, today an 8th grader brought an AK-47 to his school in Missourri and shot into the ceiling of the office saying "Don't make me do this"

Who's making you do this you irrate little punk?? NOONE!!

Thankfully the police responded quickly and had him in custody quickly.
In his backpack they found a note saying that he also had a bomb, instructions on how to make an IED and some materials as well.

What is happening to our kids? When I went to school, my parents did not have to worry about me being "blown away" by some psychopathic idiot, be it a child or an adult.
They worried more if I was actually going to go to class!!

I am a mother of a teenager and I live in fear every day I send my child to school.
Is some sick, twisted, maniacal bastard going to blow my kids brains out today?

I shouldn't even have to THINK about that.
My child should be safe and sound at school, getting an education, and staying on track.

No, we as parents today cannot rest easy at our jobs, housewives cannot just get the housework done and watch soap operas- those days are gone.
Instead we spend our days with worry and checking every news website available to find out "what happened NOW??".

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Pre-Game Jitters.

The Eagles are ready to take on the Cowboys just an hour and 15 minutes from now.
The fans are definiltley getting riled up for T.O.'s much anticipated return to Lincoln Financial Park, otherwise known as "the Link.".
Some are out in tail-gate world burning the infamous # 81 jersey, some even using it to start thier grills. T.O., be warned, you will not be welcome here.

Donovan McNabb is a class act, and though I am sure he feels the bitterness that the fans and fellow team-mates and coaches feel towards T.O. He isn't letting it show...not yet.

There have been reports that many Eagles fans are readied with empty prescription bottles, threatening to throw them at T.O. as he walks onto the field.
Instead of shouts of "T.O ,T.O!!" They are going to shout "O.D., O.D.!!"

Philadelphia fans are probably the most boisterous group of any team in the NFL. The Irish blood, the booze, they don't care really.
When the team played at Veteran's Stadium, before the LINK was built, it was the first stadium to have it's own holding cell, and "Judge." as many fans get arrested at games.

I am anxiously awaiting the start of the game. There are "beer brats" on the stove , saurkraut. Oh it's going to be a good day!! That is, if the EAGLES win!!


If I see this commercial one more time I am either going to scream or die from laughter!!
Number one- Why did they pick someone to represent thier company that can barely talk, not to mention that he is a washed up athlete??

Number two- Surely with the money that Nutri-system makes they could have taught him how to pronounce simple words the way they were meant to sound.
Example "Now you can eat Burgers.". simple enough right?
Dan Marino says "Now you can eat BOOGERS." How gross does that sound?

Number three and here is the true kicker for me...Dan comes on and says "Guys has your love life slowed down or come to a screeching halt??". "Nutri-system can help with that too.".

Really Dan? Just how? Trust me... if your love life has gone in the can it's not because of how much a guy weighs.
More likely the guy is a jerk, too demanding, or his wife is really pissed.
Example- My husbands weight has NOTHING to do with it when I slam on the brakes!!
What if the guy has E.D.? Is Nutri-system the new Viagara? I didn't think so.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I found a way to do away with murder
Yesterday, I saw on the news how this man had shot his ex-wife dead then went to the catering business he worked at, blew 2 people away there and then killed himself. WTF??I remembered how my beloved comedian- Phil Hartman's wife had done the same crazy shit a few years back and I thought ...WTF??I have a solution- DON'T kill others!! Kill YOURSELF!! No, I am not promoting "general suicide" just these psycho bastards.Just think if you are a get to experience the whole thing of murder without hurting anyone else.You get to feel the PAIN, the blood flowing from your body until you are a corpse lying on the street- There is even a BONUS- NO JAIL time!!!!!!!!!!Our murder rate would go way down if you sick bastards would just kill YOURSELVES instead of innocent people.Also no more overcrowded jails because YOU would be DEAD and you save the taxpayers alot of headache if you KILL YOURSELF for US!! No More DEATH ROW, there would be no need for it..JUST KILL YOURSELF!!And for the people already on Death row, the government could give all of you guns right this second and allow you to blow your fucking brains out LOL.